Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Book Review: Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff

Umbrella Summer is what Annie has this year.  When her brother died in February, she learned that anyone can be sick and not know it.  Now, Annie is afraid to do some of the things she used to, because you never know if you will get malaria or ebola or some other thing.  When a new neighbor moves in across the street, Annie finds that they have more in common than she first thought.  And that life might not be about avoiding illness and injury.

Umbrella Summer

Things I Liked:
This is such a sweet story about a girl trying to deal with the death of her older brother.  I loved hearing things from Annie's point of view, because she was so smart in some ways, and totally not in others.  Just how I imagine most children her age are.  I also thought it was perfect that she got help in closing her umbrella (such a great analogy) and then was able to help her mother and father close theirs.  I highly recommend this book to help tweens deal with death.

Things I Didn't Like:
It might be a bit young for some of the nearly teens, but excellent for tweens and older children.

Shug by Jenny Han 

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ****

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I want to read this book so bad, but they don't have it at my library. :(

  2. Eh...I dunno.

    Have you read the Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie yet? I am in the process of reading it now, and it is delicious! LOL

  3. This one looks good-I've seen it on the shelf. I may have to pick it up after your review!:)

  4. Shaynie, hopefully they'll get it soon!

    Lauren, that was one of the books I had to take back before finishing, since it was due and I didn't get to it :( I put it on hold again, but it will be a while before it comes back. Darn!

    GreenBeanTeenQueen, hopefully you'll enjoy it as well!

  5. Oooh. :( Well, I certainly hope that you will be able to read it soon, as it is very sweet! :D

  6. I hope so too! Your comments make me wish I'd read it anyway!

  7. This is a VERY GOOD BOOK AND VERY SAD :(................

  8. Emma, it is very much a combination of good and sad! But, I like how the ending is very hopeful.

  9. That was my FAVORITE book. I have read MANY books, and out of those MANY books I LOVED this one!!!! <3

  10. Flower21, I'm glad you liked it so much - it is really a fantastic book!

  11. i read the book it was a very simple book like she goes to the store to get some bandaids and then she doesnt get them cause lippy wasnt there to watch her u know very simple! but its for for 12-14 so grade 6-8 cause kids dont understand the concept u gotTA CLOSE THAT UMBRELLA AND TAKE A CHANCE! its just an older saying!

  12. Anon, it should help those of that age range to deal with grief and loss - and close the umbrella!


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