Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Looting and Staggering

That title makes me sound like I'm drunk. However, I'm only drunk on the loveliness that is my library (oh, that was lame). Anyway, I've been reveling in the numerous books that have come in on hold for me. It seems like each time I go pick up three or four books, several more come in the very next day. It makes me wish I had a way of staggering them so I don't have to go to the library every day. However, I'm very excited about these books:

Candor by Pam Bachorz
Little Bee by Chris Cleave
Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor
The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin by Josh Berk
Heist Society by Ally Carter
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover by Ally Carter
Born to Fly by Michael Ferrari

And I got two books at the Utah blogger party Saturday:
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger (from the book swap)
Read, Remember, Recommend by Rachelle Rogers Knight (Rachelle brought a copy for everyone! How cool is that?)

Do you ever want to flagrantly ignore books that have been patiently waiting in line to be read and pick up something you just got? *cough*Heist Society*cough*

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Yep, all the time!
    (What library do you use? Just curious!)

  2. I've got Candor on my TBR list. And yes, I ignore books that I own, that have been on my shelves for years so that I can read newly acquired library books.

  3. Suey, I actually go to both Orem and Provo.

    Brenda, so glad I'm not alone :)

  4. Totally (re: book line jumping)!

    I think my library's hold system usually means holds arrive at my branch twice a week. I only go once a week, so that way I figure I'll get them all within the 7 day time period.

  5. I did the same thing when I got Heist Society. I read it last week. It was the first Ally Carter book I've read and then I started the Gallagher Girls series which I am enjoying so far.

    My library holds tend to come in at the same time so I have big piles of books to be read. I also go to three different libraries to check out books. Yesterday I went to return one book and pick one up and I ended up leaving with four.

    Enjoy reading all your books!

  6. Well, I was just stopping by to say I left you an award, but you already saw it! You're so welcome and I enjoy reading your blog! Keep it up :).

  7. Eva, if the holds didn't expire after the third day, I could probably get away with only one visit a week. Usually it is twice a week, though.

    Christina, it's dangerous visiting the library :)

    Emily, yes thank you! I'm very flattered.

  8. I've got a bunch of these on my TBR list. I've heard nothing but good things about Little Bee. Hope you enjoy!

  9. samantha.1020, I'm pretty excited about Little Bee as well.

  10. Hi there, just found your blog! I'm constantly re-ordering my TBR pile. Enjoy your loot!

  11. All the time!!

    Picking up holds is a wonderful excuse to add more to the pile.

    I have The Other Hand aka Little Bee waiting to be read very soon - supposed to good.

  12. I usually feel pangs of guilt if I bump a new book to the head of the line. Weird, I know. My loot is here.

  13. Yes, absolutely! I just picked up a handful on hold for me at the library, and sadly, the piles already checked out will continue to be neglected. Ah, I love/hate seeing everyone else's loot - just more books to put on hold!

  14. Heist Society was so much fun. Get this-- my public library delivers to my school. It is the most awesome thing, ever! The only down side: they cut me off from reserving when I hit (*cough*) 50 reserves, which I do with embarrassing frequency. This is a great list of books, and you will have great fun!

  15. Oooo... Heist Society. I'm jealous.

    And in answer to your question- YES! I unfortunately do that all the time.

  16. I pretty much make a library run every day...thank goodness it's on my way home. And, yes, I've definitely been known to bump up a book!! :)

  17. Lady Quinlan, welcome and thanks for visiting!

    Cat, those are the only books from the library that I allow myself to add to my pile!

    pussreboots, I feel guilty about it as well :)

    NatalieSap, I feel the same way about seeing other people's loot - they are great, but they just make me want MORE!

    Ms. Yingling, that's awesome! I haven't ever gotten to 50 reserves, but bummer they have a limit :)

    NotNessie, it's so hard not to skip ahead!

    Jill, I wish my library was on the way home. That would make my visits easier (then again, my pile would probably get bigger, faster).

  18. I always want to read the books I've just picked up and read them instead of everything else! Little Bee and The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin are on my TBR list. Happy reading!

  19. Vasilly, the funny thing is, the older books were ones I know I wanted to read, so why don't I just read them first? :)

  20. You know, I am so conscious of exactly which book is due back when that it is VERY unusual for me to pick up a book just for the heck of it!

    Enjoy your loot!

  21. Marg, I usually keep track of that stuff very well, but sometimes I just want to throw it out and read something I'm DYING to read.

  22. I just got Her Fearful Symmetry from the library and the blogger reaction to that seems rather mixed... hope you enjoy it!

  23. olduvaireads, I actually didn't like Time Traveler's Wife, so I don't have high hopes for this one. But, I'm willing to give it a shot.


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