Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Book Review: Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass

Every Soul A Star is the story of three very different kids whose lives are about to collide in unexpected ways.  Ally has grown up in the Moon Shadow campground, homeschooled all her life, and living free of social norms.  Bree is planning to be a supermodel, in the cheerleading squad, and at the top of the social ladder.  Jack is overweight, doesn't pay attention in school, and hides his love of drawing from everyone.  When the three of them meet just in time for a once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse experience, they learn from each other (and themselves) all about change, growing up, and who they really are.

Every Soul A Star

Things I Liked:
Because I studied astronomy, books like this have a special appeal for me.  Especially when the astronomy details are well done (which they are).  The characters are interesting and I definitely began to care about what happened to them and how they would deal with the difficult changes that are happening.  I think, however, the best part was the description of the eclipse.  I can still remember some details of an eclipse I saw in kindergarten.  It is definitely a memorable experience and Mass writes about it in gorgeous detail.  

Things I Didn't Like:
The story seemed just a touch sappy for me.  I liked how things didn't work out exactly as the characters would have liked, but it seems like something parents will want to give kids, but kids won't really pick up on their own.  Unless they really like astronomy. :)

11 Birthdays also by Mass

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ****

Do you sometimes like a sappy book or always hate them?

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.


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  1. Sometimes I'll like a sappy book-but it has to be very light in the sap. Although, the ending of Perfect Chemisty was pretty sappy and I liked that (although I did kind of roll my eyes at the same time). Normally I really hate sap though.

    I haven't read this one yet, but I've read other books by Wendy Mass and really enjoyed them.

  2. Yeah, I didn't think I liked sap much, but sometimes I just need to wallow in it. :)

  3. I actually heard about this book from a 12 year old who really liked it. I suppose perhaps it's a slightly girly book with the sap factor. I also loved the astronomy facet of the story.

  4. I have to say, I'm a sucker for Sarah Dessen, and I'm afraid her books are a little sappy. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that happily girly sigh at the end of a book! Which brings up another question--are women the only ones who appreciate some sappiness on occasion?

  5. Bookshelf Monstrosity, it is more of a girly book, though there is a male main character. It wasn't too sappy, though, which is a good thing.

    Kate, I haven't read any Dessen yet (which is sad, I'll admit). But, I agree that sometimes you have to have a nice sappy book. And I'd say women are the only one's who would admit to appreciating sappiness :)

  6. This one has been on my pile forever. And yes, I DO sometimes like a good sappy book! :)

  7. Suey, sometimes you just need a little sap :)


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