Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And Then I Realized...They're All Due At Once

I don't think I read as fast as I would like to read.  I was making a list of due dates for all the books I currently have checked out.  I don't know if I'll be able to read them in time.  Which means I'll probably get fines.  And get behind on review books again.  You'd think I would have come up with some balancing solution, but I haven't yet.  Which is why it makes total sense that I added five more to the pile this week.  But, I did suspend (some of) my holds.  (Hey, there are a few that I simply WON'T wait longer than necessary for.)  Anywho, here's what's adding to my load:

Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia by Brandon Sanderson
How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford
Libyrinth by Pearl North
The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas (for Classics Circuit)
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

What's teetering on your pile this week?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. The same thing happens to me all the time! My mom has threatened to stop paying my fines for me.:)

  2. I have the same problem, I keep telling myself to put a limit on my library hold/requests...but I just end up ignoring it and ordering more books anyway. I currently have 18 checked out and 25 on hold... I admit, I have been trying to be more selective of what I request and only put in for ones I REALLY want to read. The problem is, I REALLY want to read a lot of different books! Owell.

  3. PS I really like that you ask a question at the end of each post...I may have to copy your idea! =)

  4. Shaynie, I sure wish my mom would pay my fines :)

    Kath, I feel the same way about all the books I have on hold. I really need to read them - that's definitely selective! And you can totally use my idea (if it was mine in the first place) - I noticed it makes people more likely to comment :)

  5. I always have too many books checked out :) I usually end up taking books due back unread and checking them out at a later date. I just can't help myself :)

  6. samantha, I do that as well, though I usually kick myself afterward. Especially if the hold list is 100+ people long!

  7. Oh goodness I know how you feel. In some respects I feel constrained by the lending limits. What generally helps is trying to stagger them and renewing if you can. Especially when you have a popular title in your possession. I've heard good things about The Man in the Iron Mask. Enjoy your loot!

  8. porcelaine, I really ought to do the staggering more often. Most of the time, I renew the books I can right away. Some of them don't renew, unfortunately...


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