Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Actually NEED It 3

And, for my third set of I Actually NEED It titles, I have another mix of published and not published:
Keys to the Demon Prison (Fablehaven)Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison by Brandon Mull
I only reviewed the most recent release of the Fablehaven series on my blog (Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary), but I positively love this series.  It's packed with adventure, humor, and excellent fantasy creatures!  I can't wait to see what is in store for this final book.  Coming March 2010.

(Image not yet released)
Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson
After reading and completely being affected by Chains, I am dying to know what happens to Isabel next. Coming October 2010.

(Image not yet released)
Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink
I recently read and was totally engrossed in the story of Lia and Alice, the two very different sisters in Prophecy of the Sisters (review coming shortly).  I'm dying to know what happens next.  Coming August 2010.

Heist Society 
Heist Society by Ally Carter
I've read and laughed with and enjoyed some of Carter's Gallagher Girls books.  I love her style of writing and the fun characters she creates.  A family of spectacular thiefs?  Yes, please.  Coming February 9, 2010!

Incarceron (Incarceron, Book 1) 
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
I've heard lots of good reviews about this book and I have become very intrigued by its rather unique premise.  This one just released last month.  Library?  I'm looking at you (even if I am on library hiatus).

The Iron King (Harlequin Teen)
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Hello, book bloggers, you have officially made me want this book.  Another faery book with a lovely cover, lots of praise, and just released this month.  Library, you need to get it for me! (Please?)

Sisters Red
by Jackson Pearce
Um, I seem to also have a fascination with Little Red Riding Hood being a werewolf hunter.  I am really intrigued by this book coming June 2010!

(Image not yet released)
Torment by Lauren Kate
Having just finished Fallen, and despite some of the things that bothered me, I am anxious to see where Kate is going to take this story.  And I'm hoping for another pretty cover, coming September 2010.

Anything you are anxiously awaiting?

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  1. I am waiting for:

    The next Hunger Games book from Suzanne Collins, currently un-named, due out in August.

    I loved Robert VS Redick's Red Wolf Conspiracy so am keenly waiting for The Ruling Sea, due out on February 15--only 1 week to go.

    And Helen Lowe (Thornspell) has a new book out in October, titled The Heir of Night, so that's also on the "to-read" list.

    And if it's ever released (sigh), George RR Martin's A Dance of Dragons is also a "must-read".

  2. Oh, I didn't know Helen Lowe had another coming out! That makes me very excited!

  3. I cannot wait for the next Hunger Games book, too. And as of yesterday (when I found out about it), I NEED to get my hands on The Next Competitor by K.P. Kincaid: figure skating! young adult! I am there.

  4. Caroline, I had Hunger Games 3 on my very first list of books I need - I'm thinking about adding it to every list, but that might get annoying after a time :)

    I've never read a figure skating'll have to let me know how you like it!


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