Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So Much for Library Resolutions...

Welcome to my extremely abbreviated Library Loot this week.  Though I suppose it is more of an In My Mailbox thing, since I am still on my library reprieve.  However, there was one book whose hold I didn't postpone. Since I blogged about how much I wanted it, and how sad I was the library didn't have it yet, I figured I couldn't wait anymore.

Ice by Sarah Beth Durst

And I got some in the mail as well:

Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman (for Cybils)
11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass (for Cybils)
Prince of Fenway Park by Julianna Baggott (for Cybils)
Making Toast by Roger Rosenblatt (for review)

Arcadia Falls by Carol Goodman (for review)
The Language of Secrets by Dianne Dixon

Did you get anything good this week?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. I keep having to stop myself from picking up random books off the Reader's Choice display simply because I'm in the library. I keep reminding myself-- I have a few at home... and I can't remember which ones they are, so chances are I'd pick up the same ones again!

    I've got Making Toast and Arcadia Falls sitting here too....

  2. Britt, that is so funny! I don't think I would forget what I had checked out (at least not right now) but I might be more inclined to when I have more books checked out!

  3. I think only borrowing one book shows incredible self control!

    Hope you enjoy it as much as you are anticipating that you will!

  4. I really enjoyed Making Toast!

    My Loot:

  5. Laurel-Rain, I'm pretty excited about it as well!

  6. Melissa:

    I finally got around to reading Diana Wynne Jones' The House of Many Ways (another Wizard Howl novel) and I enjoyed it. I don't think it is her strongest novel but still a "sound" read.

    I think my favorite Diana Wynne Jones could be Eight Days of Luke, either that or Cart and Cwidder ...

  7. Andie, there are a few Jones books that I have heard many good things about, but I just haven't gotten around to them. Though, Eight Days of Luke and Cart and Cwidder are not any that I've heard of before...


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