Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Managed to Survive

My self-imposed library hiatus is now over and I have all my 20+ books back on hold. Mind you, they didn't all come in yet, so it was another pretty small group.

Frederica by Georgette Heyer (for Classics Circuit)
Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff

Calamity Jack by Shannon and Dean Hale
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Phillip M. Hoose
Erak's Ransom by John Flanagan

But, I went a little crazy with accepting and requesting review books:

The Eastern Stars: How Baseball Changed the Dominican Town of San Pedro de Macoris by Mark Kurlansky

Artsy Fartsy by Karla Oceanak
Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel
Beyond Freedom by Patricia Q. Wall
Heresy by S.J. Parris
We the Children by Andrew Clements

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Welcome back to the library! I am interested to see what you think of the Georgette Heyer book as I have that on my wishlist too! Happy reading!

  2. Looks like you found some good reads though even if your pile is small. Enjoy!

  3. Yay for the end of a library haitus! I'm patiently waiting for my Classics Circuit Heyer to arrive.

  4. Amused, well it's planned for a March 1st review, so check back then (thank you Classics Circuit).

    samantha, small but excellent I say!

    Eva, I've never read Heyer before, so I'm super thrilled!

  5. I need to start my Heyer for the Classics Circuit. Not quite sure how I am going to fit it in, but I will manage I am sure.

  6. I'm the first person on the tour, so I really got to get on it!


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