Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Book Review: Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink

Prophecy of the Sisters is a dark tale of twin sisters, born to fulfill a prophecy that pits them against one another.  When Lia and Alice's father dies, Lia finds a disturbing new mark on her wrist, pointing to an old prophecy about twins.  As she learns more about this prophecy and her part in it, she comes to realize the danger she faces - a danger that centers around her sister.

Prophecy of the Sisters (Prophecy of the Sisters Trilogy, Book I)

Things I Liked:
From the first paragraph, this story sucked me in.  The mysterious and disturbing prophecy, not to mention the dark and morbid setting, this book will thrill any fan of paranormal mystery.  I loved the feeling of chills and spookiness that pervades the whole thing.  The writing also happens to be just as rich and enticing as the plot:

Stepping into the cavernous main hall, I find the library is more than quiet, it is deserted.  Indeed, I don't see a single person as we make our way across the scuffed marble floor.  Its emptiness is more than the lack of living, breathing beings.  It is the unread pages of the many books that reside on the shelves throughout the room.  I should not have though one could tell when books have gone unread, but after the company of Birchwood's well-loved library it is as if I can hear these books whispering, their pages grasping and reaching for an audience. p 155
Things I Didn't Like:
I found myself somewhat disappointed with the lack of character given to Alice.  All throughout the book, Lia talks about her and their childhood and things she's done, but I feel like I have no idea what her true character is.  Also, I was a little let down with the ending.  With the urgency Lia felt about her part in the prophecy, I almost felt like it should have been concluded in this book.  However, I am looking forward to more books in the series.

Reminded me of the Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray

It felt like Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier with its spooky atmosphere

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
not violence in the traditional sense, but some frightening things

Overall rating: ****

Are you a fan of all out scary books or those that have more subtle creepy details?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Hi, Melissa! Thank you for the lovely review!


  2. Michelle, thank YOU for writing this compelling book! Looking forward to the rest of the series! :)

  3. Melissa,

    Great review! Must buy NOW!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  4. Oh this sounds nicely spooky! I'll have to check it out!

  5. Oooh, I loved Rebecca, and this sounds like something I'd really enjoy. Thanks for the great review - this is definitely being added to my TBR!

  6. Hilary, Amused, and Dana - I hope you all enjoy it! I'm super excited to see where the series will go next!


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