Monday, January 18, 2010

Listless Monday, Civil Rights Edition

I'm starting a new feature for my blog. I don't really do many features - I like to stick with reviews, but I started thinking about how much I love themed lists and then decided I wanted to start sharing some! Today is the launch of my new Listless Monday. Since it happens to be Martin Luther King Day, I've put together some titles that deal with slavery and civil rights. I'm not setting any limitations - the books can be non-fiction or fiction, any age group.  Since I am admitting this list is nowhere near exhaustive, feel free to suggest books I don't have on here and I'll add them.  If you want to create a list of your own on any topic, I'd love to see it - just leave me a link!  (addendum: I must have been unconsciously inspired by both Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity's Monday feature Books by Theme and Court at Once Upon a Bookshelf's Listed feature - they've been doing it for quite a while now.  Be sure to check out their lists!)

Slavery/Civil Rights books:

Adult fiction:
The Color of Lightning by Paulette Jiles 

Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

The Help by Katherine Stockett

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

MG/YA fiction:
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume 1: The Pox Party by M.T. Anderson

The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume 2: The Kingdom on the Waves by M.T. Anderson

Black Angels by Linda Beatrice Brown

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson

Child Out of Place: A Story of New England by Patricia Q. Wall

Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice by Phillip M. Hoose

Copper Sun by Sharon Draper

Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis

Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith

Frederick Douglass: Young Defender of Human Rights by Elisabeth P. Myers

If You Come Softly by Jacqueline Woodson

Mary Jane by Dorothy Sterling

Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe

Phillis Wheatley, Young Revolutionary Poet by Kathryn Kilby Borland and Helen Ross Speicher

Red Thunder; Secrets, Spies, and Scoundrels at Yorktown by John P. Hunter

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor

The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis

A Wreath for Emmitt Till by Marilyn Nelson

Amazing Grace by Eric Metaxas

A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School by Carlotta Walls Lanier and Lisa Frazier Page

Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges

Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington

Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals

We are the Ship by Kadir Nelson

Anything you'd like to add?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. Someone Knows My Name, Lawrence Hill (Fiction -- Slavery)
    Warrior's Don't Cry, Melba Beale (NonFiction/YA -- Civil Rights)
    A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School ~ Carlotta Walls Lanier
    (Adult Non Fiction -- Civil Rights)

  2. Yeah for themed book list posts! I love these, and I also do one on Mondays. It's called Books By Theme. This week's theme is Doctors who are also authors. Thanks for the great post. Also, I love your header :)

  3. Thanks for your suggestions! I've never read any of these. I'll have to add them to my list.

  4. Oh, Bookshelf Monstrosity, I will have to check out your Books By Theme posts! I didn't realize you also did a Monday list thing.

  5. I do something similar to this on Mondays too - my Listed feature.

    What about Twain's Huck Finn?

  6. I love themed booklists, but haven't been brave enough to create one. Some titles ...

    RED THUNDER; SECRETS, SPIES, AND SCOUNDRELS AT YORKTOWN by John P Hunter (Fiction, historical fiction, adventure, history)

    PHILLIS WHEATLEY, YOUNG REVOLUTIONARY POET (Young Patriots Series) by Kathryn Kilby Borland and Hellen Ross Speicher (historical fiction,
    history, biography)

    FREDERICK DOUGLASS: YOUNG DEFENDER OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Young Patriot Series) by Elisabeth P. Myers (Fiction,
    biography, history, historical fiction, Black History, series book)

    (historical fiction, US history, black history)

  7. One of my all time favorite YA books is Mildred D Taylor's "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry".

    Also "Mary Jane" by Dorothy Sterling (which I bought for 10c from a bargain bin--published 1959, I think.)

    I enjoyed "The Color of Lightning" by Paulette Jiles, earlier this year.

    And I think I can add Alan Paton's "Cry the Beloved Country" to the list, even though it's South Africa and not the US. But a very powerful and moving book.

  8. Court, I added you to my list info. Hopefully I won't step on your toes with my new feature!

    Terry, trust me, you don't need to be too brave (I did it, after all).

    Andie, great suggestions! I loved Roll of Thunder and Cry, the Beloved Country! Thank you.

  9. I love this idea! We always have to do the themed lists for work, so this is a great way to get them out there! I commend you for doing this :).

  10. Emily, thanks! Feel free to use the list anywhere you want.


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