Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Actually NEED It!

I have a niece who likes to yell this phrase at the top of her lungs when she wants something:

"I actually NEED it!"

I find it very funny, though I'm sure her mom thinks differently.

The following is a list of books that I've been waiting and waiting for (some longer than others). These are books that my library hasn't acquired (yet) and I can't afford to buy with my current budget. Or they are books that I'm dying to have published already so I can read them. In any case, I find that I feel just like my niece when it comes to these:

Released already, but still waiting!

Girl in the Arenaby Lisa Haines
My library finally managed to get this one in. Now I just have to wait for 20 other people to read it. ARGH.

IceIce by Sarah Beth Durst
It seems I check the catalog every other day to see if they've acquired this yet. Perhaps I should move it up to every day.

Once Was LostOnce Was Lost by Sara Zarr
Come on, she's even a local author! Can we just get it in already? :)

Beautiful CreaturesBeautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Just released, but still. Mostly I'm just sad because I missed the authors' visit!

Not yet released...how can I possibly wait?

The Dark Divineby Bree Despain (12/22/2009)
Another local author - I sure hope they acquire it FAST! (I was sorely disappointed I didn't get the ARC I requested ):

A Conspiracy of Kingsby Megan Whalen Turner (3/23/2010)
Continuing one of the very best series - with unbelievable twists - I've ever read. Seriously, if you haven't started reading The Queen's Thief books, do it before March. I'm DYING to know what happens next!

This World We Live In (The Last Survivors, Book 3)This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer (4/1/2010)
Another one I was sad not to get the ARC for. Reading the books in this series (I especially loved Life As We Knew It) is such an experience. I can't wait to find out the rest of the story!

The Princess and the Snowbird by Mette Ivie Harrison (5/1/2010)
I truly love my local authors! I especially enjoy the complex fairy tales in this series - The Princess and the Hound and The Princess and the Bear.

Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George (5/25/2010)
Another local author who has yet to disappoint me. This one is a sequel to Princess of the Midnight Ball (which I loved).

Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games)The Hunger Games: Book 3by Suzanne Collins (8/24/2010)
Does this need an introduction? Here it is: Hunger Games and Catching Fire. I drool in anticipation of this book.

What are some of the books you actually NEED?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. I NEED the Hunger Games Book Three. Need it. And the ARC I requested of TDD never came to me either. (Although technically I read that one about a year ago.)

  2. Amen, Brodi. Though, can't you manage to finagle an ARC since you and Bree are buddies? Seriously, use those connections! :)

  3. You have some great books listed! I loved The Hunger Games and hope to read Catching Fire next week for Seriespalooza at Galleysmith's blog. I also have Life as We Knew It waiting for me.

  4. Ooh, I know you're going to love them! And, of course, I remembered about 10 more books I wanted to put on this list...next time!


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