Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Challenges, Challenges

I have not participated in a lot of challenges during my time as a book blogger. There seem to be a million available, but when I see them, I usually balk at having to choose my books based on some criteria. This limits my choices of challenges (and probably limits my growth as a reader, but we won't go into that) since I prefer ones that have distant deadlines and that I would probably already nearly complete anyway. The notable exceptions are the 24 hour read-a-thon and Natasha of Maw Books' Bloggiesta.

The Printz Project, which was my first challenge, has no deadline at all, which suits me fine. I read Printz-winning books, I post reviews, I feel no pressure.

Then there was the Harry Potter Reading Challenge, which gave me a year to read seven books. Mind you, I'm not doing very well with it, since I haven't even read one!

And then the Maud Hart Lovelace Challenge, which had no set number of books to read. And, since I'd just started reading the Betsy-Tacy books, that turned out pretty easy.

Finally, I joined the 100+ Reading Challenge, which, since I challenged myself to read 150 books this year, I thought might actually be rather difficult. Turns out, I'm finished and I still have a month's worth of reading to spare!

And so, I thought perhaps I might need to step up my challenges this coming year. Of course, stepping it up doesn't mean I'm actually going to change my book choosing just means I found more challenges that fit my reading choices already. Baby steps.

Anyway, I'm signing up for:

100+ Reading Challenge (again). Next year, I think I'll go for 160 books. You know, to challenge myself.

Support Your Local Library Challenge, cause we all know how I feel about libraries. And, since I get most of my books from there, I thought I'd choose the Super Size Me level - 100 books from my library.

Young Adult Reading Challenge, since I definitely need to read more YA. Ha ha. I decided on the Steppin' It Up size, which is 50 YA books. I think I can handle that.

[Interestingly enough, all of these are hosted at J. Kaye's Book Blog.]

So, what challenges have you taken on for next year?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. Welcome to Support Your Local Library Challenge, 100+, Young Adult Reading Challenges. I am so glad you have decided to join us in the fun. 2010 is going to be a great year in reading. I can just feel it!

  2. Only one for now the All about the Brontes Challenge.
    I still have to complete my Period Drama Challenge Not a Reading Challenge, I know) and my Everything Austen Challenge tasks.

  3. I only do challenges I know I'd complete anyway too! I'm doing the Twenty Ten Challenge, Awesome Author Challenge, and New Authors, New Worlds Challenge. Good luck with yours!

  4. Since I started blogging in late 2008 I signed up for too many challenges. This year I am going to be very selective and enter those that I'm confident I can do. :P

    Good luck!

  5. These are great challenges you have going and an awesome selection of those you plan to participate in for 2010. I'll definitely be doing the 100+ and YA Reading Challenge with you :)

  6. J. Kaye, thanks for hosting so many good ones!

    Maria, I kinda wish I'd done the Austen one. And a Bronte one? Sounds fabulous!

    Amused, glad I'm not the only one.

    Ms Ulat Buku, good luck with yours! Hopefully you can cut back.

    Michelle, I look forward to seeing what you choose for those challenges.


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