Monday, November 2, 2009

Once Upon a Week

Welcome fairies, princesses, princes, and villains, to Once Upon a Week, a week-long celebration of all things fairy tale. NotNessie of Today's Adventure is hosting the celebration, so be sure to visit her for more fairy-eyed blogs. If you've read my blog for a while, you know I'm a sucker for fairy tale retellings, so I jumped at the chance to be a part of it. Here's what you can expect for the week:

Today, I'll post my review of Forest Born, the latest in Shannon Hale's fairy-tale-esque series of Bayern books (beginning with Goose Girl, which is based on the fairy tale of the same name).

Tomorrow, watch for my interview with fellow fairy-taled blogger, J.T. Oldfield, who blogs at the fabulous BiblioFreak.

Wednesday, I will wax philosophical about fairy tales and why we love them. I have actually done a bit of research on it, so if you're interested, check back. If not, you may want to avoid that day!

Thursday you will find me dropped into my own fairy tale - will it be all happy endings or something a bit less perfect?

Friday, I've got another review in the works - too many to choose from, so I haven't decided yet.

Be sure to leave any and all comments fairy-related or not. Especially I'd love to hear your thoughts on fairy tales, retellings, and villains.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This sounds like a great celebration! I have been reading a lot of fairy tale retellings lately and really enjoy them. I keep thinking I need to branch out a bit, but there are still so many retellings I haven't read yet! I definitely have a soft spot for happy-ever-after endings and have found that the retellings I don't like usually have a more complex/tragic ending. I am definitely a good-triumphs-over-evil and true-love-conquers-all kind of girl!

  3. Gayle, I'm torn about it. I love the happy ending feelings, but I feel like the more complex endings are more believable and sometimes more interesting.

  4. Yeah, I know the complex endings are more believable, but I don't always read fairy tales because they're realistic. :-) But I know what you mean -- it's good to have an ending that makes you stop and think. One series that comes to mind (although not a fairy tale) is the Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins (the "Gregor the Overlander" books). I loved the books, and while the ending wasn't tragic, it wasn't necessarily an all-around happy-ever-after ending either. But I remember thinking that it was definitely more realistic and touched on real-life issues that kids might have to face. Life isn't usually happy-ever-after but that doesn't mean I don't like to escape to that world every once in a while. :-)

    Okay, sorry, that was more of a response than I intended!

  5. Gayle, great response! I too love happy endings. I haven't read the Underland Chronicles yet, but have been meaning to. I like having some endings that are happy and some that aren't perfect. A good balance.


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