Friday, November 6, 2009

Book Review: Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt

Keturah And Lord Death is the beautiful story of a young woman, hopelessly lost and at the brink of death, who weaves stories for Lord Death to bargain for her life. Now she has only 24 hours to find her one true love or return to be his for good.

Things I Liked:
While not strictly fairy tale, this story evokes a fairy-tale feeling. The village setting feels real to me, beautiful and loveable. I absolutely adore the story - it is different from many kinds of fairy tales, though there is a handsome prince of sorts. The language, while not flowery, seems just right and the romance is quite lovely. I loved how I felt while reading it. There is something old-fashioned about her language and wonderful about the way she weaves her tale. It definitely left me thinking:
"If untimely death came only to those who deserved that fate, Keturah, where would choice be? No one would do good for its own sake, but only to avoid an early demise. No one would speak out against evil because of his own courageous soul, but only to live another day. The right to choose is man's great gift, but one thing is not his to choose - the time and means of death." p.162
Things I Didn't Like:
I didn't like how she kept pleading with Lord Death to save people. It is an understandable feeling, but not exactly a healthy one. Did she really think she could save everyone she knew and loved from death? This definitely didn't detract from how much I loved this book, though.

Reminiscent of The Princess and the Hound and The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison and Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
Death as a character: The Book Thiefby Markus Zusak

s-factor: none
unless you count naming the place where Lord Death presides

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: *****

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. Very interesting.

    But yeah, too much bargaining with death can't be healthy. :D

  2. I've been curious about this one for awhile but was waiting to see a review on it. Sounds like I might enjoy it. Thanks!

  3. Britt, I don't recommend it. The bargaining with death part, I mean. I DO highly recommend the book!

    Bookshelf Monstrosity, definitely worth picking up.

  4. Bargaining with Death might not be healthy, but if you had his ear and a loved one was dying before your eyes, would you be able to stop yourself from trying? Because I don't think I could help it.

    You've definitely piqued my interest. Off to Shelfari to add this to my TBR.

  5. NotNessie, I'd absolutely not be able to! Excellent point :)

  6. I finally got around to reading this and I loved it! Thanks for the recommend.

    Great review!  I linked to it from mine.

  7. I read this a year or two ago and it is one that has stuck with me. I think it has some good potential as a book club choice. It certainly has some good discussion points.

    1. Ooh, yeah! Maybe I'll suggest it to my book club. So fun you should comment on this review now, since I just listened to this one on audio. :)


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