Thursday, October 29, 2009

Library Day(s)

Does it seem like every other day you have a new hold at the library? I would almost get annoyed that as soon as I pick up one (or two or three or...) there is another one that just came in, except that I get so excited when I look at what I've got! I even get a thrill out of the automated messages that the library leaves on my phone (with multiple slightly scary voices). Here's what came in for me:

The 39 Clues Book 5: The Black Circleby Patrick Carman
Daughter of the Forestby Juliet Marillier
Flygirlby Sherri L. Smith
The Helpby Kathryn Stockett
The Ruby in the Smokeby Philip Pullman
Dreamdark: Silksingerby Laini Taylor
Willowby Julia Hoban
The Demon Kingby Cinda Williams Chima
The Stolen Oneby Suzanne Crowley

I also got two books for review:
Fallenby Lauren Kate
Invisible Linesby Mary Amato

What did you get?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean! LOL. Funny enough, FALLEN is one of the books I'm waiting for. It looks SO good.

  2. Wow, what a list! I got Fallen too, and can't wait. I think I'm bumping it to the front.

  3. I just picked up "Sea Glass" (the library finally got one - yay!). What I want to know is are you really able to read all those books before they're due? :-)

  4. Yea Sea Glass!! :D

    Looks like a great list!

    I need to read Tears of Pearl, since I won't be able to renew it... And I have all of Shannon Hale's Bayern books out... and lots of others...

  5. lol @ your holds experience! I hate it when I just miss a hold I'm really looking forward to! I don't get phone calls, though-I signed up for e-mails sintead. :) I just reread Daughter of the Forest this summer and enjoyed it as much as the first time around! And Flygirl looks so good-I had it out earlier this year but didn't get to it in time.

  6. I don't get any notifications, but I am on the library website at least once a day checking what has come in for me.

    You have some interesting looking books in your loot! I really need to read Juliet Marillier and I would like to read The Stolen One too!

    This is the second mention in this week's Library Loot of The Help!

  7. Susan and Suey, I am looking forward to Fallen as well - so excited when it came!

    Gayle, so glad you got Sea Glass - I'm very excited. The only way I can manage it really is because one of my libraries allows three weeks and then one renewal for another three weeks. I definitely can (usually) manage to read them in six weeks :)

    Britt, I haven't heard of Tears of Pearl. I'll have to watch for your review.

    Eva, I get emails in addition to the phone calls! They really want me to come get the books.

    Marg, I don't know how I'd do it all without some reminders. In fact, I just dropped the ball on two holds that came in and I didn't get there in time. I was really sad :(

  8. I got The Maze Runner. It is good, and frustrating, and suspenseful at the same time.

  9. Amy, ha! That is just how I felt about it too!


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