Thursday, October 22, 2009

Book Review: Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder

Storm Glasscontinues the story of Opal, who we met in Fire Study. Opal is feeling discouraged by her one trick magical ability - creating glass animals with magic inside - when the master magicians send her on a mission to help the stormdancer clan. When things don't go exactly as they planned, Opal must fight for her life and in the process learns that her magic is much more than just one trick.

Things I Liked:
I loved the characters, especially Opal, who is so realistically drawn as a woman who doubts what she can do. I particularly like the romance woven througout - and how that is resolved by her own choice and not an outside factor. The story is very unique and I particularly love the world Snyder has created. The action, when it hits, is always very exciting. I also still love Snyder's quiet kind of humor, as in this quote:
"I really couldn't say anything about a scouting bat. I claimed glass and spiders spoke to me, and diamonds gave me visions." p.328
Things I Didn't Like:
I must admit I was a tiny bit disappointed. I think I expected too much from the book. The story seemed a little repetative in places - Opal getting into trouble. Again. I also became a little annoyed by her lack of confidence in herself. I think perhaps it might have been a little too long as well, some of the action in the story almost felt contrived. I still liked the book, but it didn't quite live up to what I expected.

Start with the Study Trilogy by Snyder first - some things won't make sense otherwise.
Also reminded me of Robin McKinley's stuff - The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown
Graceling by Kristin Cashore

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: X
some innuendo

v-factor: ->->
fighting and blood

Overall rating: ****

What books have you read that don't live up to your expectations, but are still very good?

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  1. I really liked this one too, although I think "Poison Study" is still my favorite. I agree that Opal is a great character, but her lack of self-confidence got a little tiresome. I'm anxiously waiting for our library to get a copy of "Sea Glass" -- hopefully it won't take too long!

  2. Gayle, I think Poison Study is my favorite too! I just got Sea Glass from the library - I hope yours comes soon!

  3. I loved this book but didn't realize it continued her "Study" books. It seems from what I've seen people who have read those were disappointed in this one. I do have Poison Study on my shelves so will have to read that one now. I am anxious to go get Sea Glass too though.

  4. Debbie, I wouldn't call it "continue" so much as a spin off with a minor character. Opal appears in Fire Study, but doesn't really go into her story. A few characters from the Study trilogy also make some appearances in Storm Glass. Some things just make more sense with Yelena's background story from the Study trilogy.

  5. Ah, ok. That's good. I sometimes have a hard time going back and reading earlier books about a character since I kind of feel I know what happens to them. I've heard really good things about the Poison Study series though.

  6. I liked the Study series, and Storm Glass wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but then it is sort of a first in the Glass series. I didn't like Poison Study as much as it's sequel Magic Study. I also have read Sea Glass and it was much better to me than Storm Glass. So to the fans, don't worry if Storm Glass wasn't the best, it gets better.

    The thing that bugged me was the Master Magicians are so typical to underestimate, mistrust and even imprison the heroine of the story. We saw it in the Study series with Yelena, but it is getting a little old with the Glass series. You think the master magicians would do a little more to help out someone with an interesting and useful power instead of fear and imprison them.

  7. Debbie, the Study books are totally worth it.

    Amy, I'm glad Sea Glass is better. I'm excited to read it now. I agree with you on the master magicians. You would think they'd have figured it out after Yelena. Ah, well.


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