Saturday, September 12, 2009

Forget Browsing, Let's Talk Holds

I decided after last week's library overload, that I would not allow myself to go back until I had several books read.

Then, my holds came up. Seriously, all of them (well, ok I have around 30 holds, so not all of them). But, I really wanted to read all of these ones, so I got them anyway. I didn't allow myself to browse though :)

Dreamhunterby Elizabeth Knox
The Demon's Lexiconby Sarah Rees Brennan
If I Stayby Gayle Forman
If You're Reading This, It's Too Lateby Pseudonymous Bosch (which came in before the first book in the series - darn!)
A Kiss in Timeby Alex Flinn
The Magician's Elephantby Kate DiCamillo
Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xiaby Cindy Pon

And as a random note about my libraries: I frequent two public libraries (so lucky to be close to both) and I find they have different practices about renewals. One library lets you renew at least once, even if it is on hold. The other doesn't let you renew if there are holds. I find that this sometimes leads to putting the first library's books at the perpetual bottom of my stack, since they have the latest due date. I can't decide which practice I like better - obviously, I like having three extra weeks for books, but I also like to have my holds come in more frequently. Good thing I have two libraries!

I forgot to include the books I got for review! They look delicious!

The Smart One and the Pretty Oneby Claire LaZebnik
Legacyby Cayla Kluver


  1. I can get books from any library in our valley's system on hold at my nearest library, which is nice, since only one of the fifteen or so has a decent catalog, and it's not one terribly near me. The bad news is that we can only have five holds at a time. Boo!

    I get almost all my books through holds, though. What I want usually isn't at my local library. Also, it makes library trips super fast, which is necessary when you have a three-year-old.

  2. Mrs. Mordecai, only five holds? Oh, I would cry! I think I have about 20 at each library right now. That is fabulous that you can get books from lots of different branches, especially when you live in a small town!

  3. Five holds?! I would cry, too. I LOVE our hold system, because browsing with little kids is the pits. :-P

    That's some good loot, Melissa.

  4. I hate it when so many holds come in at once!!! Next week, I'll have two books over 1,000 pages to discuss, lol. My library doesn't let us renew books w/ holds on them-I like that, because it makes the holds line move faster. Haven't read any of your books this week, but love the title of The Magician's Elephant!

  5. We can't renew a book if it has holds. I think we can have 10 books on our hold list, but it could be 15. I just can't remember.

  6. Melissa, I can't imagine browsing with kids! (But, I am sure the day will come...)

    Eva, I'm really thrilled about Magician's Elephant, which is written by the same lady who wrote The Tale of Desperaux!

    Amy, I've just started getting holds lists that are more than 15, so I'm glad we don't have a limit (I wonder if there is one for the number that come in at once, though...)

  7. We can only hold up to ten books. I use my husband's library card too and often have them both maxed out.

  8. Natasha, I hadn't thought about using my husband's card...great idea!


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