Wednesday, September 16, 2009

BBAW Day 3: Who Dunnit?

A Bookish Meme: Clue Style

The Crime #1: someone found knocked unconscious with a hard, squarish-shaped object (probably interrupted someone's reading...)

The Perpetrator: It was some crazy reader (who me?), under the tree (in the sunshine), with her series OR standalone hard copy book (it would have been much harder with an audiobook - I would have had to choke them with my mp3 player?)

The Crime #2: a library book was discovered plastered with notes and drawings *gasp*

The Perpetrator: It would NEVER BE me, in the pantry (getting chocolate or fruit), with two different books in hand (currently Graceling and The Magician's Elephant)

The Crime #3: laundry was being ignored and dishing were piling ridiculously high

The Perpetrator: It was me, in the middle of the chapter (unless I couldn't possibly put it down yet), with the random scrap of paper to mark my spot (in my fiction OR nonfiction selection).

What are your criminal reading habits?


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