Monday, August 17, 2009

Book Review: Larklight by Philip Reeve

Larklight: A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Spaceis the fantastical story of Arthur and his sister Myrtle's adventures chasing and being chased through the solar system by the evil white spiders. Hovering pigs, giant crabs, enormous anemones, malevolent moths, and a frightening pirate all play a part in this steampunk novel filled with fun and adventure.

Things I Liked:
I really enjoyed the humor, the sarcastic and wry humor. The footnotes were particularly enjoyable. The variety and types of odd creatures Reeve thought up for the book was also really fun. The adventure sequences and Art's take on all these things made the whole book for me.

Things I Didn't Like:
It wasn't very engaging. The adventures, while humorous and fairly fun, were not terribly interesting. I kept putting the book down and then later remembering to finish it. I guess what I am saying is that it was not a page-turner. I think middle grade and younger boys especially will enjoy it.

Reminded me of Airborn, Skybreaker, and Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel
Also The Golden Compass and sequels a little

Samples of the laughs to be had:
"...I remember thinking that there could be no fate more horrible thant to be buried alive, and wondered what type of deranged and sickly mind could have invented such a tale. But as I lay there immobilised in a jar on the wrong side of the Moon with only a ravening caterpiller for company I realised that Mr Poe was actually quite a cheery, light-hearted sort of chap, and that his story had been touchingly optimistic." p. 56
"I don't know about you, gentle reader, but when I am reading a book and people start to blub and talk about love and such I generally think it is time to skip a few pages to the next exciting story or gory battle." p. 331
s-factor: none
they are all conveniently bl---ed out.

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
more of the excitement and possibly frightening to very small children variety

Overall rating:***

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