Monday, August 3, 2009

Adventures Not in Books

Just wanted to let everyone know, I am going to be out of the country for two weeks. Posts will most likely not be regular and I will very likely not be checking other blogs and email regularly. I may have a few scheduled posts and also some book reviews while I am away, but consider this my notice of leave of absence.

Oh, and I am heading to the glorious land of the Czech Republic. I am hoping to get a look in this lovely library in Prague. You have my permission to be jealous.

See you all back here in the 18th (or so)!


  1. Jealous, I am. Enjoy your trip.

  2. How cool!! What takes you the Czech Republic?

  3. Natasha, we are visiting my parents who are on a church mission here. And, wow, this is amazing! I am definitely enjoying it, Melissa!

  4. I'm jealous! I hope you're having a blast.


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