Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Own Amazing Debut Novel

I saw this floating around the blogosphere today and I really couldn't resist. Directions on 100 Scope Notes; go there to create your own cover. I don't know how I lucked out with such a fabulous word and then got a photo of a man with a dreadful mullet. Ah, well.

Bonus points for writing an excellent blurb for this book (I had a really hard time coming up with one). I think I'll do this again when I have another giveaway.

*A gallery of these delightful books has been posted on 100 Scope Notes.*


  1. That's an excellent cover. I'm bad at the blurbs, too... :)

  2. I managed to cut out the mullet :)

  3. I now have 'sabatoge' by the beastie boys running through my head. The cover could be right out of the video. I love it.

  4. Ha! Kerri, I hadn't thought of that song, until you mentioned it. Now I will have it in my head all day...


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