Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Hold List

And now for the (short) list of holds that have come in for me (aka my bi-weekly (sorta) Library Loot).

The Forest of Hands and Teethby Carrie Ryan (Finally!!!)

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tateby Jacqueline Tate

Fragile Eternityby Melissa Marr

And for my pending trip to Europe:

Viennatravel guides

Not very much for this week, but I am still whittling away at the last pile.


  1. That's a good list! I really ought to read Forest of Hands and Teeth, and Fragile Eternity is on my shelf right now...

  2. I've been waiting for Forest for a long time - the librarian who checked it out for me told me to return it quickly so she could read it!


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