Friday, July 31, 2009

Harry Potter Reading Challenge: Bringing the Family Together

I saw this challenge going around the book blogging world and I knew I had to sign up. Who doesn't want to read the HP books (again)? Then, with my usual brilliance (ha) I thought I should get my husband to sign up as well. Not only would it encourage him to read, but it would give me an opportunity to do duel book reviews. I'm pretty excited. So is he (but only because it is HP). And so without further ado, the details:

August 1, 2009 – July 31, 2010

Harry Potter Reading Challenge

Basically, all we have to do is read all seven of the books in a year's time. We've decided to attempt one book a month. We'll see how it goes. Head over to GalleySmith for more details.

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