Friday, June 19, 2009

Bloggiesta: Late Start

Um, oops. I managed to sleep in a bit later than I expected.

Anyway, here is my list of things to work on:

  • reviews for rainy days (lots!) (only about six)
  • widgets on the sidebar (blogroll update, other changes TBD)
  • tags (change some, add some, remove some)
  • layout (I'm thinking a new background and maybe three columns?)
  • a review policy (hopefully I can manage to get some books for review!)
  • consistency (all my book review titles should be similar, tags)
So, there is the preliminary list (open to expansion and suggestion too).

Good luck to me and everyone participating!


  1. Good luck with the challenge! You've got a great list and I'm more than happy to help if you need it!

  2. Oh, Natasha, I may just beg for your help!

  3. Good luck with it! I hope you get everything you want to do done!

  4. What are you talking about Melissa? You've got half of your list done, while me . . . well, not so much.

  5. Thanks Jacqueline. The best part about my list is no numbers - when I do at least one thing in the area, I can cross it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, even if it is kinda cheating. :)


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