Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bloggiesta (gotta love the name)

I've officially signed myself up for the Bloggiesta event (hosted by the lovely and talented Natasha of Maw Books Blog). I'm pretty excited about it. It is not quite the same as the 24 hour read-a-thon, because instead of piling up more books for review, we are working "on blog content, improving/cleaning up your blog or working on your social network profiles." I'm definitely in need of some work on these areas. We'll see what actually happens, but I signed up because I want to kick myself in the bloggin pants and fix things up around here. I haven't formed a list or anything yet, but I think I'd better before the challenge starts on Friday morning. While I won't have a lot of time to put into this, I think I will be able to accomplish some useful stuff (especially if it keeps raining here)!

And on a completely unrelated note, I just wanted to mention a few excellent contests I've discovered, mostly for my own selfish reasons (another entry, bwa-ha-ha) but also for your benefit. In case you didn't know about them.

The Demon's Lexicon, which I've heard much about, at ReviewerX
Twenty Boy Summer, which looks interesting, at Abby (the) Librarian
The Host, which I loved, at Today's Adventure (the Host Blog Tour will be there on June 25th) and also on My Friend Amy's blog

So, go! Win books!

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