Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Big Moment

So, the response to my giveaway, while not overwhelming, was rather more than I expected. Thanks to all who participated! The winner of the signed Fablehaven book and bookmark for book 4 is:
caribookscoops said...

"I am with Britt my favorite is Dragons, but I like a lot of other ones too, unicorns, talking beasts, centaurs, etc."

Congrats! You should have received an email from me and the goods will arrive as soon as I have an address!

And, just for entering, I thought I'd send a few others a bookmark (Brandon Mull was very generous when I mentioned I was a librarian) so:
1993wel said...

"I like dwarves, even though they are often evil, or at least have complicated loyalties."

Amy Btw M said...

"I haven't read this book yet, so I hope I win! Let me see, my favorite fantasy creature is the Hippogriff. Go Buckbeak!! Dragons are cool too.
I'll have a link on my haiku amy blog."

The Jones Family said...

"I would love to have this book. I have heard so many good things about this series and really want to read it. Love your blog."

Britt said...

"I love dragons. Absolutely love them.
I haven't started this series yet, but I want to!!"

will each get a bookmark for Book 4 (Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary).

And a lovely signed poster of Book 4 goes to:

Abby said...

"Oh I'm so excited can you pick me pretty please? I have three kids who all three love any books that are in this genre!"
(hopefully your kids will like that :)

Please leave me a comment with your email and I will get these hopefully consoling prizes off as well! And just for statistical sake:

Fairies had 8 votes
Dragons had 6 votes
Elves had 4 votes
Gnomes, unicorns, dwarves, hypogriffs, pegasi, and trolls all had 1 vote

Thanks again and hopefully I'll have another giveaway soon!


  1. Thank you for the bookmark. My email is cdjdhj (at) yahoo (dot) com. When you email me, I will email you my mailing address. Thank you again.

  2. WOOT!! A Bookmark! I can always use one of those, ya know??

    e-mail amersmiller AT gmail DOT com

  3. Yea Cari!!

    Oh, and me! :D


  4. Yipee!!! I am excited to win. I like Fablehaven a lot, even though I am almost didn't finish the first one because I was so mad at Seth. Seriously the kid drove me batty.


Love it when you comment!