Friday, May 8, 2009

Some New (to me) Book Blogs

A while back, Melissa from Melissa's Bookshelf gave me the One Lovely Blog Award.

Since I am feeling a little burnt out on the award-passing-out front (you know, three is about all I can handle :), I thought I should at least mention some new blogs I've run across recently. The original award demands that I give the award to 15 new-to-me bloggers, but instead of forcing them to pass it along, I will just mention eight blogs for your own personal benefit, in case some of you may not know them. If you desire to pass it on, feel free!

A Fuse #8 Production - a kid lit blog hosted by School Library Journal

An Adventure in Reading - why did it take me so long to find you?

Bloggin' 'bout Books - SAHM book bloggers kick my trash

Librarian by Day - a teen librarian, need I say more?

My Favorite Author - monthly themes and monthly giveaways!

Today's Adventure - she enjoys the same genres I do

What KT Reads - open for book discussions!

Fantastic Book Review - doesn't the name say it all?

So, there it is in all its glory - a list of new-to-me book blogs. Enjoy!


  1. Some fantastic blogs and a couple that I'm going to go check on right now!

  2. Appreciate the mention! I'm enjoying your blog, too.


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