Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Ranger's Apprentice Book 6 Giveaway!!

The other day, I noticed a book I won from another librarian blogger. Not just any book, an ARC. And not just any ARC, but this one. I remember being so thrilled to read it, because the previous book (reviewed here) ended with such a cliffhanger that I thought I couldn't possibly wait until August for the sequel. Which, it turns out, I didn't have to. And as I remembered the awesomeness I felt in reading that ARC, I decided to share it.

So, I am offering my ARC of Ranger's Apprentice: The Siege of Macindawto one very lucky winner! (US addresses only, sorry.)

To enter, please leave me a comment telling me one of your favorite YA or children's fantasy books, series or otherwise.

For an extra entry, blog about the contest and then tell me in another comment.

Contest ends on 11:59 pm (MDT) on Monday, April 13th. A winner will be announced on Tuesday, April 14th.


  1. YES! I love Ranger's apprentice. I just got the 5th one from the library, but I won't let myself read it until I get some other library reads out of the way.

    Okay, it is so hard to choose a favorite YA fantasy series, because there are some good ones. I guess I will have to say Harry Potter, because that is probably the first fantasy series that I ever fell in love with completely. I started reading them in college, and it must have been brilliant since everything in college was pretty boring.

    Thanks for the contest! I'm off to blog about it.

  2. I blogged about the giveaway. Here's my link

  3. I really enjoy the Fablehaven series. I am almost done with the 4th one and am loving it.

    What a great giveaway!

  4. I posted about your giveaway on my blog. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    By the way, I finished Fablehaven 4 and really, really enjoyed it.


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