Sunday, April 19, 2009

Re-Reading at the End

So, I think I've reached the end of my sleep-deprived limits.

To finish, though, I thought I'd do a last mini-challenge.

Since I've only been re-reading (or listening) to one book (Anne of Green Gables) for the read-a-thon, I thought I go with a list of my all-time favorite re-reads:

1. The Count of Monte Cristo
Just been a favorite of mine for so many years - great story!

2. Pride and Prejudice
Does this really need explaining? Really, any Austen will give me a classic romance thrill!

3. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Random, but this was one of my very favorite books as a kid and I just still love reading it! It gets me all nostalgic inside!

Final Stats:
Hours read: ~16h
Books finished: 4 (I got a little befuddled last night, it was 5!) (got my The Tales of Beedle the Bardand also Midnighters #1: The Secret Hour)
Pages read: 989

Now, I'm off to bed!


  1. I really want to reread The Witch of Blackbird Pond! I loved it when I as younger, but I don't really remember all that much about it now.

  2. You are so close to 1000! Do what you need to do :) CHEERS!

  3. Going strong I see :D
    Keep up the good work, and aye P and P sure needs no explaining

  4. If you went to sleep... Night!

  5. Thanks again, everyone for your support!

  6. WOW -- nearly 1000 pages! I am so impressed!

    Hope you caught up on some much needed sleep

  7. Good books, I love all three. I gave you the Let's be friends award. I know Britt gave it to you as well. Thanks for blogging.


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