Sunday, April 26, 2009

Book Review: Midnighters #1: the Secret Hour by Scott Westerfeld

Description of Midnighters #1: The Secret Hourfrom Amazon:

"A few nights after Jessica Day arrives in Bixby, Oklahoma, she wakes up at midnight to find the entire world frozen, except for her and a few others who call themselves 'midnighters'. Dark things haunt this midnight hour – dark things with a mysterious interest in Jessica. The question is why?"

I was really impressed with this series. I hadn't heard much about it, but I found it very engaging and exciting. I was intrigued by the premise of having an extra hour in the day only for certain people. With so many fantasy series out there with similar stories, this is a refreshingly unique one. Definitely will be continuing the series.

s-factor: !

Not as many as I expected there to be.

mrg-factor: X
A situation, but nothing happens.

v-factor: ->->
There are definitely some scary things, not to mention fighting, but not graphic.

Overall rating: ****


  1. I loved this first book too, but am really struggling with the third. Maybe it's just too slow or something, I don't know.

  2. I'll have to pick up the next ones and see - I really liked this one too!


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