Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Very First Giveaway!

Are you ready faithful readers (all five of you :) and any new visitors?

I am giving away a copy of Life of Pi a fantastic book which I have not reviewed on here, because I read it long before this blog was even conceived. The book recounts the harrowing adventures of Pi, a zookeeper's son, who becomes lost at sea on a boat with, among several other animals, an enormous tiger. His fight to survive this ordeal is inspiring and hopeful. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am sure you will too!

The copy I am giving away is not the same one the above link takes you to - it is this one:

whose cover I kinda like better anyway (still paperback)

If you would like to enter to win this book, leave a comment on this post with your name and also tell me what your favorite book is and why. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Sunday, March 8th at 9:00 pm MDT.

Hopefully more people than just five will enter - but if not, your chances of winning are pretty good! Shipping only in the US (sorry my foreign friends).

This is all part of Book Room Reviews giveaway carnival! Go visit, there are lots of giveaways going on this week!


  1. I've heard a lot about this book and would love to win.
    My favorite book? Tough question.
    Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is up there, as is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. The Princess Bride is a rare book and movie combination in which both are equally as good. And, from my young childhood I've always loved "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs".
    Is it okay that I didn't come up with just one favorite?
    ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Hi! My favorite book is Possession by AS Byatt because the correspondance and relationship Byatt wrote between the two poets reminded me of how I met my husband. :) Please enter me, too, my address is amandagignac [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

  3. hi and thank you for the wonderful giveaway as for a favorite book i really can not pick just one, there are so many books i have picked up and read over and over again

  4. I have been recomended this book before but have never sat down to read it, so I'm excited to win.
    I have so many favorite books that I just can't list them all. But most recently I read The Gravyard Book by Neil Gaiman and really liked it.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. My favorite book is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. As to why...I don't's one of the few books that I seek out to reread each and every year. I never get tired of visiting with the characters.

    Becky (laney_poATyahooDOTcom)

  6. I have lots of favorites from kids books to adult books.. from catcher in the rye to The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie to Lord of the Rings

  7. Sounds great, please enter me!
    My favorite book recently is Signed, Mata Hari, of all time would be A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
    meh471 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

  8. Thanks for your giveaway...I love your reviews. There are so many, many books that I love and have learned from, but I guess I would have to say that my all time favorite would be To Kill A Mockingbird. I learn so much from this book every time I read it and since I am a high school English teacher, I read and teach it twice every year. It's a truly wonderful book with a message as relevant today as when Harper Lee wrote it. If I am lucky winner, please contact me at

    Thank you.

  9. I would love to be entered in this drawing. My favorite book is "The Onion Girl" by Charles de Lint. In this book the woman starts realizing her life is made up of memories and her past, when you peel away the layers you discover who she truly is inside. It's a cross between a surreal world overlapping reality. Charles de Lint takes fairies, wood fey, shapeshifters and the likes to incorporate them into the backdrop of any urban setting.

    Thanks for this opportunity! Indigo

  10. My favorite book is Blood and Gold by Anne Rice. The character of Marius is fascinating, the descriptions of his surroundings are immaculate, and I love Anne Rice's style.


  11. OH geeze a favorite book? Anything with vampires in it right now, but not limited to Twilight, growing up it was Into the Land of the Unicorns,

  12. Oh, I have been wanting to read this one!

    I can't pick an *absolute* favorite book, but one of my favorites is American Gods by Neil Gaiman, because I truly felt that I was IN the story, with the main, actually on the ground with him, seeing things as he saw them. It was awesome :D

    Thanks! :)
    velocibadgergirl at gmail dot com

  13. my fav book ever is Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck but recently i read North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley and i loved it too
    sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com

  14. My favorite book is "Cabinet of Curiosities" by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. The story is very dense, intense and intriguing. And I couldn't figure out "who did it" until almost the end of the book.


  15. I really have so many favorite books, it's really hard to list just one. But for now I would have to say Twilight.

  16. My favorite book of all times is Anna Karenina. I just love that Russian lit thing. Characters are so deep and the descriptive writing just fabulous. Please enter me in the drawing


  17. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is my all-time favorite book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Gone With The Wind always takes me away better than Calgon bath bubbles.
    There are numerous others, but this book is the one I read at least once a year.

  19. I do not have a favorite I enjoy them all con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

  20. My favorite book is the Wedding by Nicholas Sparks. It is such a good love story.

  21. My favorite book is 'the memory keeper's daughter. I also was abandonded.

    I definitely want to win this!

    Thank you

  22. Sounds like something I would enjoy. As for my favorite book. I have so many and if I say just one then I'll forever be sorry I didn't mention another. As any avid reader's the next one!

  23. I think my favorite book I have ever read is A Wrinkle in Time. At the time it was written it was unique. Madelaine L'Engel did a great job with the characterizations and the descriptions made you feel like you were there. I really enjoyed reading this and all of the books in the series.

  24. "Life of Pi" actually is my favorite book but unfortunately got left behind during a vacation.

  25. Voltaire's "Candide"!

  26. My favorite book is Twilight
    nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com

  27. My favorite book is The Reader by Bernhard Schlink


  28. Hehe I'd have to say that my favorite books are the Twilight Saga. I liked all of them so it's hard to say which is my exact favorite.


  29. Always hard to pick a favorite book but I have read and reread The East of Eden series by Harry Harrison.

  30. Please enter me. I loved the Looking Glass WArs. Thank you.


  31. I could have sworn I bought this book a few years ago. Recently, I wanted to pick it up and read it, since I had never read it before. But now I can't find the copy I bought! I'd love to win this one. One of my recent favorite books I've read is The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. It's a wonderful book for dog lovers!

  32. I can't possibly pick a favorite book, but one that has special meaning for me is "I Like You" by Sandol Stoddard.

  33. I would like the chance to win this. I would have to say my fave book....The Harry Potter Series. Or maybe Lisey's Story by Stephen King.. There are so many choices. Thank you for the giveaway.


  34. My favorite book? I have many but the one that comes to mind is The Stand by Stephen King. I love it because it captures your interest from the first page and involves you to the end.

  35. My fav book is usally the one I just finshed till I started anyone LOL

  36. Hello! I'd love to win this book because it's my SISTER'S favorite book ever. I'd have to say that my favorite book is Siddhartha because it is beautiful and I love soul-searching books. Thanks for the giveaway!! --Michelle, blogattoday (~`at} gmaildotcom

  37. My favorite book is One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury because its really a touching story.


Love it when you comment!