Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book Review: Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges

Through My Eyestells the story of Ruby Bridges' experiences being the first black girl to integrate her school back in 1960. Her own reminiscences along with those of her teacher, family, and psychologist combine with photographs to bring this story to life. When Ruby first goes to school, escorted by U.S. Marshals, she is the only child in her class. Nearly all of the white students have been withdrawn by their angry parents. But, that doesn't stop her white teacher from loving and teaching Ruby.

Through My Eyes

This was my first look into this amazing story and I just fell in love with it! (Got the recommend from here.) Ruby tells her own story and makes it seem so much more personal. Her own ignorance of what is going on and even of racial prejudice add an innocent and heartbreaking note to the story. I am continually appalled at the behavior we as Americans display to others. I was especially sickened at the descriptions of the white mothers who stood outside the school protesting - their language and their hatred towards a six-year-old girl are just disgusting! We certainly have an interesting history.

s-factor: none

Though there are racial epithets.

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->

Not necessarily violent, but sometimes frightening.

Overall rating: ***


  1. Oh, I'm thrilled that you took my recommendation and read it! I just watched the disney movie and seeing those white mothers screaming at a tiny little black girl was just sickening. I'm glad you enjoyed the book!

  2. What the heck is this book about, need to help with a book report pronto, and no one has this book. Details please.

    1. Anon, the summary up at the top of the review indicates what the book is about. You can also check amazon or goodreads for the official summary. Good luck!


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