Monday, February 2, 2009

Book Review: My One Hundred Adventures by Polly Horvath

My One Hundred Adventureschronicles 12-year-old Jane's string of adventures over one summer. While she doesn't quite reach her quota of one hundred in that one summer, she discovers a lot about herself, her mother, and life in general.

I had really mixed feelings about this book. I absolutely loved the language. Horvath really describes things, particularly the ocean and its ambient surroundings, in such a way that it almost doesn't matter what else happens in the book. However, as I kept reading, I found myself not really very interested. The characters were all very quirky and strange, almost annoyingly so at times. I loved some of them, but since they were all odd, it kind of detracted from their individuality. The story was just not to my taste. There have been lots of starred reviews of this book, so please check those out (some of them can be found on Amazon) before making a judgment about the book. I guess it just wasn't right for me.

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

(although there are "who's your daddy" issues)

v-factor: none

Overall rating: **

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