Sunday, November 2, 2008

Book Review: Impossible by Nancy Werlin

In Impossible, Lucy, an average teenage girl, finds herself caught up in an ancient family curse. Her birth mother, Miranda, is crazy. She will sometimes show up in Lucy's life and usually leave havoc in her wake. But, Lucy's adoptive parents offer her stability and support. When prom night goes horribly awry and ends in tragedy, Lucy first becomes aware of the curse. Based on the ballad "Scarborough Fair," the curse requires Lucy to fulfill three impossible tasks or risk ending up like her mother.

The premise of this book is very intriguing and I liked Lucy's character. But, as the book went on, I found that it did not quite "fulfill" itself with me. I found the ending rather flat and even a little contrived. I liked the fantastical elements, but the way it was written, they almost seemed out of place in the book.

s-factor: !

Very little, if any swearing.

mrg-factor: XX
It had some discussions and an intense-not-romantic situation, but very well-done and not graphic or descriptive at all.

v-factor: ->
Some intense things happen, but not really violent in nature.

Overall rating: ***

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