Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Book Review: City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

The City of Embertells the story of the people of Ember through the eyes of two young and curious adventurers: Lina and Doon. Ember is a dying city where the electricity that everyone depends on for light and heat and pretty much everything is becoming less reliable. When Lina finds a mysterious box with clues hinting at an exit from Ember, she and Doon decide to solve the clues and find the way out of Ember.

The City of Ember (Books of Ember)

I really enjoyed this imaginative and exciting book. I thought the ideas were really clever and I am sure kids will love to try and solve the clues along with Lina and Doon. Easy to read and interesting enough to keep me turning the pages.

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: *****


  1. I read through your reviews for all four books in this series and agree that this was definitely the best of them. I loved this book. I'm so glad to have discovered it last summer.

  2. It was too bad the sequels (and very odd prequel) didn't work out as well.


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